Flavor Stone Cookware
You’ve Found The Answer To Perfect Grilling. But Everyone Else Is Going To Have A Few Questions. Congratulations on your purchase of the FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ Kitchen System. Now that you have your new FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ and the recipes in this book, get ready to explain to your family and dinner guests how you managed to graduate from culinary school overnight! Or, maybe you’re just going to have to explain how they can get a FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ of their own. With your new FlavorStone InfusionGrill™, your culinary skills are about to take a quantum leap. The key is “depth of flavor.” Depth of flavor is why chefs will marinade meats for hours, until the flavor penetrates every fiber of a protein. And depth of flavor is why your FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ is such a revolutionary product - because it has depth of flavor built right in. The FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ makes achieving the perfect depth of flavor easy, simple, and quick. Best of all, it makes it available to you… today. We’re so excited that you’ve become part of the FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ way of life, because we know how transformative this technology is. It takes the technique of infusion – a skill pro chefs work for years to perfect – and makes it part of your repertoire right away. With your first recipe, you’re about to go from an everyday backyard griller to a pro-caliber chef, and it’s going to be fun. You’ll also notice that this book not only contains over 25 basic preparations, but it also gives you several additional flavor infusion options for each. That’s more than 100 total dishes, each with its own unique flavor profile. With these recipes, the same boring chicken from the grocery store can become the best beer can chicken you’ve ever served today, and an entirely different meal the tomorrow. The possibilities with the FlavorStone InfusionGrill™ Kitchen System are limited only by your imagination! Food Styling, Photography & Recipe Development by Chef Rick Tarantino www.chefricktarantino.com